Thursday, May 28, 2009

Lost Thoughts..

There is nothing in my mind,
Wondering what to write,
But I know I want to write,
There were many thoughts a while ago,
But now there are none to write about.

Trying to make it funny,
Trying to make some mistakes.
Just to put a smile on your face.
Not sure if I will succeed.
But I will try to put the smile on.

A face I haven’t seen so often,
But I am sure it has a smile always.
A blank out again, lot track of word.
Can’t find the lot words, still trying
To find it but the time is lot with the words.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A word that’s commonly used,
And known to most around the world.
To express our feeling, sometime
We mean it and sometime we don’t.
But we still use it to show that we regret
For our actions which were not correct.

………………… Sorry, I mean it!!

Eyes of God

The Sun is born and let the darkness be gone,
She can feel my warm hands on her eye lids,
Trying to wake her to see the beauty of this day
This day I was born, and I was told that,
It was the brightest of all days of her life.

I can still feel the drops of tear in the Eye,
It was the tears of Joy, to see me in the light.
Today she is not around but her sight is still alive,
She sees me every time I look at my self,
But I see her only in a frame.

The brightest day of my life is the day
I lost her. She gave me her sight and
To see this world through her Eyes.
Now I know what she meant by saying
The vision of one can always be shared.

------------------------------Thank you God for showing me the Light!

Written on 1st Feb 2009

Monday, September 1, 2008


God did not make Good and Bad, Joy and Sorrow, He Made LOVE and I am sure we did not understand his only creation, the First thing he ever made.

Let me tell u what made me understand what has happened in my life and live happily.

This is from the Book Zahir: in life we have been thought that the person whom we love or the one to whom we are married, has to be with us in line like a Train wheel to travel the path of Life, spinning in circles maintaining a distance between each other so that the wheels behind (i.e. their children) follow them in order. Our life is so much like the train wheel as we spinning around with our partner even though we don’t love to do that and the only reason why we all continue doing what we don’t like is because as we don’t what to disturbed the others in line behind u, your family and your children. So we start to keep our self busy at work or even do over time to stop our self from thinking about it.

And little by little the Joy, Happiness and Light we use to feel inside us dies away and we become the LIVING DEAD!! But these people who are together are not happy but they just live their life’s together.

The reason why this happens to most of us is because we are all made to believe that there is ONE person who is made for you by the Society. But the truth is that, like all other things, like the growing tree, the shape of our body and many other things even our LOVE changes and so does the other person’s. This is not something we have not seen or even felt. We have been part of this change. We used to love candy’s which became Chocolate, cycles to bikes, roll-a-scats to Cars, from the girl who sat next to u in 10th to the Girl in the other class in college.

Our love for things keep changing but the only thing which never chance is Love itself. What we need to understand is that these train wheel to stand to spin alone at times and disturbs the things around itself and one day it will break free and leave the other wheel wondering what when wrong but the truth is that this is very normal as nothing is permanent in life expect for the LOVE you have. The only thing we need to understand is that the Love you had was true but its just time for the other wheel to travel the other track to find new love. As the same will happen to you too or, the tracks might meet again.

It’s better to live happily letting Love live in you than to kill it all and live among the Liking Dead.

Originally posted on Wednesday, February 24, 2007

The Moonlight

Far away in the land of the Sand,
I travel with love in my heart,
With God on my side, looking up
At the sky, trying to find the Stars,
And searching for my moon, But
All that I see was Dark Sky.
It was then I heard Him Tell me,
That the brightness of the land
Is hiding the stars and My Moon.
And then He told me to close my eyes.
And when I did, I saw My Moon
Bright and Beautiful looking at me.
It was then I realized that I don't
Have to search for My Moon, as it had
Found me already. In my heart
It was always a Full Moon Night.
..............I shall sleep peacefully under the moonlight.

Originally posted on Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The True Winner….....

Is it the one who wins or the one who losses,
The one who is celebrating his victory,
Or the one who is standing in a corner and
Watching the winner celebrate, with a smile on his face.
Hiding all his pain of losing the game.
But the truth is that the winner rarely knows
His mistake as he is overjoyed with his victory,
But as of the loser, he knows every step he made and
He also knows where he went wrong.
He watches himself very carefully and
Corrects his mistakes. He is willing to
Learn and always open for changes.
He knows more than just to win,
He respects victory more, even if it comes
To him very rarely as he knows the pain
Of losing. The true winner of
Every game is the one who loses.

...I lost in my first step, but I
Have many steps to go and will
Win them all. I am a loser turned winner...

As the old saying goes:
“Failure is the stepping stone to Success.”

Originally posted on Friday, March 03, 2006

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Just a second.............

Second makes an impact,
Second makes a difference,
So did a second make me
What I am today, A dream
Come true, a beautiful woman
Who loves me, to make my home,
No word can describe her love,
No word can describe her.
A second gave me a thought.
A second that has changed,
Me from what I was to what I am,
Living to see many seconds with thee,
Hoping that it’ll never end,
Hoping that the second will
Never fade away for me,
Loving these second till the end,
Never to regret but, to love every second.
This second turned my life to colours,
No other second should take this away.
No other love can replace this.
Frozen in this second through out life
With colours flashing every second
Till the last swing of the Earth,
This second will never change.
For it will take my breath with it,
Just a second to make all difference
Between, you and me, life and death.

.................for my love.......................

Originally posted on Saturday, February 18, 2006